Continuous ImprovementContinuous improvement is not a tool or technique as such - more a way of life (or at least a cultural approach to quality improvement) - and the concept of continuous improvement has to be set in the context of 'the quality movement'. 'Quality' as a business issue - in the way we know it now - arose with labour specialisation, mass production and automation techniques - techniques which moved away from the traditonal expert craftsman approach to quality. In the new world of 'factories' and mass production, quality was obtained by inspecting each part and passing only those that met specifications. This was true until 1931 when Walter A. Shewhart, a statistician at the Hawthorne plant at Western Electric published his book Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product (Van Nostrand, 1931). This book is the foundation of modern statistical process control (SPC) and provides the basis for the philosophy of total quality management or continuous process improvement for improving processes. With statistical process control, quality inspection of each individual part produced is no longer used - the process is monitored through sampling. Dependent on the results from the sample, adjustments are made to the process to ensure 'quality' production. W. Edwards Deming worked as Walter Shewhart's assistant and protégé and helped further develop this radical approach to improving quality. At about the same time, Shewhart also developed a never-ending approach toward process improvement called the Shewhart Cycle (also known in Japan as the Demming cycle) : Plan-Do-Check-Act. This approach emphasizes the continuing, never-ending nature of process improvement. The cycle is really a simple feedback loop system. PLAN DO CHECK ACT The improvement process then begins again and the cycle is repeated. The repetition of the PDCA cycle, with each cycle producing improvement, leads us to the term
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